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Timeless wisdom?

A few nuggets from a newish book from Morgan Housel about (wisdom) that is timeless that may be worth noting:

  • The world isn’t driven by greed, but rather envy (Charlie Munger, RIP)
  • People don’t communicate on social media so much as they perform for one another (Jonathan Haidt). So true.
  • History reveals no instances of a conqueror being surfeited by conquests (Stefan Zweig).
  • There’s been ~100B humans that have ever lived.
  • There’s a saying that people don’t remember books, they remember sentences. On a related note, Mark Twain, when editing, would read aloud to his wife and kids. When a passage caused them to look bored, he would cut it.
  • Ken Burns (of the documentary fame), when writing a documentary script will literally extend a sentence so it lines up with the the beat in the background music. “Music is God”.
  • The valuation of every company is simply a number from today multiplied by a story about tomorrow. Nice!
  • Humor is a way to show that you’re smart without bragging (Mark Twain)
  • Everything seems unprecedented when you haven’t engaged with history. So true.
  • “My only measure of success is how much time you have to kill” – Nassim Taleb
  • The US constitution is ~7500 words; the average mortgage contract is 15,000 words!
  • … you get the idea.

I general I found the book ok, not great. But maybe worth a quick flip.

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