
Posts Tagged ‘metrics’

SaaS benchmarks on demand

Nice post on SaaS metrics from a company that provides a (software) service that allows one to benchmark your metrics against the wider world. Yet another thing that consultants would normally do now as a service!

SaaS org heuristics

August 4, 2021 Leave a comment

Nice little post that has some interesting heuristics on the number of people in each role per stage for SaaS companies. e.g. Typical ratios:

  • 10% G&A : 40% R&D : 50% S&M
  • 1 Manager : 5-10 Reports
  • 1 SDR : 2 AE
  • 1 Sales Ops : 10 AE
  • 1 PM : 5-8 Dev
  • 1 DevOps : 15 Dev
  • 1 Design : 5-10 Dev
  • 1 User Research : 10 Design
  • At IPO: $100k per employee

Worth a peek.

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