
Posts Tagged ‘productivity’

Email app for the 1%

superhuman email

Apparently there’s an email app (“Superhuman”) that has a waiting list of ~180k, even though it costs $30 a month. But the features (superfast, short cuts galore — e.g. Cmd U to unsubscribe , desktop first) have won kudos from many. A bunch of VCs led by A16Z just put in $33M into them as well.

If you are using it, would love to hear from you and get a referral!

Minimalist gmail

For those that are sick of seeing the clutter that is Gmail, a minimalist plugin that does away with all the logos etc.

minimalist gmail

Worth a spin, created by one of the people that created Gmail.. Works for Chrome and Firefox.

Productivity tip: Make phones dumb again

January 30, 2019 Leave a comment

Cal Newport has a new article in the NYTimes where he calls for all of us to let go of the constant attachment to our phones and turn phones back to their basics with a few extras. While he invokes the ghost of Steve Jobs, I think one just has to look at the zombies that a vast majority have become to look for a cure. Personally, I think the biggest saver of time and headache is not looking at your email on your phone (plus all the obvious ones like not using social media etc.).


I can’t wait to read his new book – Digital minimalism (it’s due out on Feb 5)

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